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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine.

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine.

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Feb 02, 2023 7:53 pm

Det er ikke en dårlig kampvogn.

Jeg kan ikke se, at der er noget problem. Jeg forstår bare ikke, at man ikke har en bataljon af Leopard 1 stadig i tjeneste i Danmark. Men sådan er der så meget.

Men landsforræderne har jo en vis indflydelse i Folketinget. En Leo 1 skulle være en T-72 langt overlegen. Specielt hvis de stiller op på række så panserskarp granaten kan komme igennem flere af dem på én gang.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Polen sender flere Leopard 2 til Ukraine.

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Mar 09, 2023 6:51 am

Antallet er ikke tilfældigt?

Først sendte polakkerne 4 Leopard 2 til Ukraine. Det er det antal der skal til for at uddanne besætninger på vognen (1 stk.) - og sideløbende ugddanne en deling bestående af 3 vogne. Det er det rette til omskoling på nyt materiel.
Det er sådan man bygger enheder op.

Nu kommer der så 10 vogne til, hvilket er en eskadron. Så eskadronens taktik kan indøves.
Det er et uddannelse-/omskolingsprogram, der har løbet i nogen tid. Man har givetvis uddannet de ukrainske instruktører i Polen, så man kan slippe dem løs i Ukraine.

Der er tale om, at man givetvis vil omskole erfarne kampvognsfolk til Leopard 2 og nej, det tager ikke lang tid at omskole en bilist til Mercedes, selvom de kommer fra en ældre Skoda. At man også uddanner på kompagni-plan er nok så fornuftigt, fordi Leopard 2 giver nogle andre taktiske muligheder end de antikviteter, som russerne så gavmildt har doneret - selvom de naturligvis skal have en hovedreparation inden udleveringen til brugerne.

Nu er der ikke nogen, der fortæller mig noget, så jeg er henvist til at tænke selv - så vidt mine beskedne evner rækker.
Jeg kan derfor kun formode, at man i Oksbøl er i færd med et tilsvarende program på Leopard 1, som - hvis jeg ikke gætter galt - er ledet af pensioneret oberst Lars R. Møller (Operation Bøllebank)? Lars Møller er kun en ANELSE ældre end mig.

Specialkøretøjer har ukrainerne formentlig selv - til det formål er T-72 chassier ganske udmærkede. Jeg tænker her på bjergningskøretøjer, broslagningsvogne, etc.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Krigsminister Troels Lund Poulsen (fingerende)

Indlæg af Thomas Lør Apr 15, 2023 1:18 am

Med Ukraines forsvarsminister.

  • Der skal leveres 100 Leopard 1 til Ukraine.
  • Danmarks traditionelle tankværksted: Flensburger Fahrzeugbau - er åbenbart en kritisk del af den leverance. Bl.a. vel fordi de skal ud af langtidsdepotet.
  • Det er en opgradering af dansk design.
  • Det er noget, som jeg gennem længere tid har foreslået (senest primo februar 2023) - i hvilket omfang, min indblanding har udvirket noget - det får jeg/vi nok aldrig at vide.

Baggrunden er ikke så vanskelig: Under 2. verdenskrig brugte tyskerne de tunge Tiger som enhedens "Schweres Verband" med 2-3 bataljoner Panter og/eller Panzer IV.

Vil det gavne mig? Næppe, fordi man vil benægte min eventuelle indflydelse.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Danmark og Holland køber Leopard 2

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Apr 20, 2023 2:04 pm

Tll Ukraine

De skal lige have en opdatering først; meeeen.....

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Ukraine er opmærksom på det danske initiativ.

Indlæg af Thomas Man Apr 24, 2023 2:43 am

Det undrer bare, at man ikke skrider ind overfor Putins små aber i hæren og Forsvarskommandoen.

Forsvarsakademiets landsforræderiske svin burde for længe siden have været buret inde.

Baggruden er formentlig, at man fra politisk hold er ganske klar over, at de russiske agenter sidder i Forsvarskommandoen - bl.a. dér. Jakob Ellemanns sygemelding er i sig selv betænkelig. Man skulle ellers have set, at han var døden nær - og det ville være kommet til offentlighedens kendskab.

En anden ting er, at det er noget, der aftales mellem politikerne. Læg mærke til, at alle de relevante styrker kommer under Nato-kommando - dvs. det har Forsvarskommandoen ikke en pind med at gøre.

Vi så også, at Corona-farcen var en klar demonstation af Forsvarskommandoens uduelighed. Denne uduelighed er så stor, at den i sig selv burde være uforenelig med livets opretholdelse. Det er den tydeligvis ikke - uforenelig med selv et mekanisk assisteret åndedræt. Der er derfor tale om bevidst forræderi.

Dem, der har interesse i en fornuftig forsvarsplanlægning, bliver systematisk chikaneret. Sandheden er, at man kan ikke stole på Forsvarskommandoen eller Forsvarsministeriet.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty En rimelig gennemgang

Indlæg af Thomas Søn Jun 04, 2023 2:53 pm

En fornuftig gennemgang.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Belgierne "fandt" 100 Leopard 1 til Ukraine.

Indlæg af Thomas Ons Aug 09, 2023 4:53 pm

Det er utroligt som de kampvogne dukker op fra privat ejerskab.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Man har til uddannelsen brugt museumseksemplarer.

Indlæg af Thomas Tirs Sep 12, 2023 11:50 am

Resten tilhørte Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft. Det giver mening, fordi chassiet excl. tårn er basis for ingeniørmateriel.

Det giver så problemer, fordi på FFG's ltøager er de ikke opdaterede som kampvogne.

Tyskerne er rodet ind i køreruddannelsen, fordi til køreruddannelsen har man chassier med motor, men uden tårn. Det har man altid gjort i den tyske hær. Tyskerne har brug for stadig køreruddannelse - fordi de har ingeniørmateriel på chassiet, så derfor skal der uddannes på de gamle Leopard 1 - delvist.
Det betyder naturligvis at det tager tid at klargøre kampvognene.

Selve uddannelsen af ukrainske veteraner tager ikke lang tid, fordi de ved udmærket - og formentlig bedre end alle andre - hvordan man slås fra kampvogn: Ingen grund til at fortælle dem noget, de allerede véd. Det man har brug for er rent betjeningsmæssigt og at vise dem, hvor de forskellige håndtag og kontakter sidder i køretI søjet.

Nu giver jeg KUN gode råd - og KUN når jeg er sikker på, at de ikke bliver fulgt.

Jeg har de sidste ca. 20 år fastholdt, at man burde bibeholde en bataljon Leopard 1 i tjeneste - det har man naturligvis IKKE gjort. I stedet har man bibeholdt nogle af de uduelige til uddannelse af værnepligtige. Værnepligtige, der er gennemført uduelige - lige så uduelige, som de officerer og befalingsmænd, der "neddanner".

Men det er ikke noget, man ikke kan klare. Der er instruktører, der er gået på pension - eller ikke har kunnet få kontrakten forlænget, der mod gode ord (og navnlig betaling) kan hentes ind. Den store masse vil komme fra Grækenland, der har masser af Leopard 1.

De tårne som bliver til overs er ikke spildt, fordi man bruger også kampvogne som artilleri - hvilket betyder, at rørene bliver slidt - og de slides langt hurtigere end artilleri-løb. Arbejder med større ladning og løbet er tyndere en artilleriløb, så det er såmænd fornuftigt nok.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Sund fornuft støtter Leopard 1

Indlæg af Thomas Ons Dec 20, 2023 6:29 pm

Det er en meget produceret kampvogn.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Holland sender yderligere 6 F-16 til Ukraine

Indlæg af Thomas Man Feb 05, 2024 7:04 pm

Ikke overraskende.

Det hele hænger på, hvor mange F-35 Holland har modtaget fra den udestående ordre. Tilsvarende med Danmark.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Som skrevet andet sted:

Indlæg af Thomas Tirs Feb 06, 2024 4:16 am

på udenbysk:

Shooting down russian jets are generally a very good idea.
Hmmm.... it is not so much that Russia is losing the war in Ukraine. It is much worse for Russiia than that:

Most European nations have had colonies - and that turned out to be a VERY bad idea. A very costly idea from every aspect.

1) The European nations in the EU have realised, that no matter what the outcome of the Ukrainian war is: Russia will never stop. Putin is very clear about that. No matter what. Next will be the Baltic countries.
There are some notable exceptions, such as Hungary, but the idiot Orbán is being dealt with. One method is simply not investing EU funds in Hungary - not so much that Orbán is a corrupt jerk - which he probably is - but EU funds projects that are of common interest: Meaning projects that will increase the wealth and productivity of sll of EU. That the projects benefits the recipient country first hand - no doubt about that. The point is however that the resulting growth of the economy in (in this case Hungary) will mean that future contributions to the common fund will be larger, as those contributions are a function of the GDP - when Hungary is getting richer, they will pay more.

2) There is an understanding that Europe need to rearm. Not so much with the arms that are being donated to Ukraine. No we need modern equipment. We want to have artillery that hits every goddam time. We want arms that make the russian look like something like the rusty armour of a medieval horseman.
Now arms manufacturers are not charitable institutions. They produce arms to profit from the endeavor. This problem is being adressed in two ways:
By ordering substantial amounts and we are at the present talking rearming a collective population the size of the USA. If you give the manufacturers firm orders on that amount of stuff, they will want to invest in modern production equipment. This brings us to the next point: Financing.
About half the Russian "wealth fund" of say 600 billion EUR is frozen in European trust funds. Presumeably mainly in sovereign bonds. Bonds that yield very little and as the bonds reach maturity they will need to be reinvested in f.i. bonds issued by the arms manufacturers. The profit from these funds will be used to support Ukraine directly.

3) The problem is time: It will take time to produce the mashines and tools. But there is no other way - it is not possible any more to source ammunition the Ukrainians can use, so Ukraine will have to economize with the ammunition. No reason to use an artillery grenade on supply truck that a drone can kill. Why hail HIMARS at a meatwave that can be moved down with a mashine gun out of rifle effective range.
I know that it seems tactless to the Ukrainian soldier in the trench, that needs grenades YESTERDAY. But that is the way to stop Putin with minimal losses.

Antal indlæg : 34084
Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Også skrevet andet steds:

Indlæg af Thomas Tirs Feb 06, 2024 5:35 pm

Thomas skrev:på udenbysk:

Shooting down russian jets are generally a very good idea.
Hmmm.... it is not so much that Russia is losing the war in Ukraine. It is much worse for Russiia than that:

Most European nations have had colonies - and that turned out to be a VERY bad idea. A very costly idea from every aspect.

1) The European nations in the EU have realised, that no matter what the outcome of the Ukrainian war is: Russia will never stop. Putin is very clear about that. No matter what. Next will be the Baltic countries.
There are some notable exceptions, such as Hungary, but the idiot Orbán is being dealt with. One method is simply not investing EU funds in Hungary - not so much that Orbán is a corrupt jerk - which he probably is - but EU funds projects that are of common interest: Meaning projects that will increase the wealth and productivity of sll of EU. That the projects benefits the recipient country first hand - no doubt about that. The point is however that the resulting growth of the economy in (in this case Hungary) will mean that future contributions to the common fund will be larger, as those contributions are a function of the GDP - when Hungary is getting richer, they will pay more.

2) There is an understanding that Europe need to rearm. Not so much with the arms that are being donated to Ukraine. No we need modern equipment. We want to have artillery that hits every goddam time. We want arms that make the russian look like something like the rusty armour of a medieval horseman.
Now arms manufacturers are not charitable institutions. They produce arms to profit from the endeavor. This problem is being adressed in two ways:
By ordering substantial amounts and we are at the present talking rearming a collective population the size of the USA. If you give the manufacturers firm orders on that amount of stuff, they will want to invest in modern production equipment. This brings us to the next point: Financing.
About half the Russian "wealth fund" of say 600 billion EUR is frozen in European trust funds. Presumeably mainly in sovereign bonds. Bonds that yield very little and as the bonds reach maturity they will need to be reinvested in f.i. bonds issued by the arms manufacturers. The profit from these funds will be used to support Ukraine directly.

3) The problem is time: It will take time to produce the mashines and tools. But there is no other way - it is not possible any more to source ammunition the Ukrainians can use, so Ukraine will have to economize with the ammunition. No reason to use an artillery grenade on supply truck that a drone can kill. Why hail HIMARS at a meatwave that can be moved down with a mashine gun out of rifle effective range.
I know that it seems tactless to the Ukrainian soldier in the trench, that needs grenades YESTERDAY. But that is the way to stop Putin with minimal losses.

også på udenbysk:

I don't know if these new missile systems will be effektive - they will most certainly not be efficient - and neither does anybody else. The point being that they are delivered as troop trials. Whenever you are considering a major order you want to see if the stuff can be put into use by the average soldier. One thing is that an experienced armourer can make it work - it is quite another thing if the local defence volunteer in a muddy trench maintaining in candlelight can make it work) If they work a large order is placed (and financing the tooling for the production is not a problem - it will be financed by the trust fund of frozen russian assets). Then the process starts at the manufacturer to make them cheaper. If the manufacturers make to big a profit from their production - then they will be taxed on their net profits.

The process of making the stuff cheaper will spread in the EU. This is the reason I think those systems are made by the EU countries. Some of the production will be subcontracted to other producers and only assembled by the main contractor. That is how managerial economics WORK.

A historic example: The Thompson mashine pistol worked all right, but used a lot of ammunition due to an insane cyclic rate - that was why it was dubbed "the Chicago Typewriter" (and You are probably to young to know what a typewriter really was) AND it was insanely expensive to produce. So when mashine pistols were needed en masse (England had lost their equipment at Dunkirk) - as in A LOT - they came up with the "Grease Gun" (as it resembled the tool to press grease into bearings and the like) and the Sten Gun. Both were simple blow-back unlocked with so few parts, that ANYBODY can use it. Precision over 50 meters stinks, but that is/was irrelevant, as you don't shoot at distances over 50 meters in practice.

A current example is the HIMARS that has proven to be not only effective - it is also efficient, as they use very few personel to use, and so fast on the feet that I don't think a single one in Ukraine has been taken out. Now everybody in Nato wants some - like a LOT.

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Join date : 27/10/08

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Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine. Empty Sv: Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine.

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