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Forsvarskommandoens åndeligt handicappede

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Forsvarskommandoens åndeligt handicappede Empty Forsvarskommandoens åndeligt handicappede

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Okt 03, 2024 3:34 am

Anders Puck Nielsen

som skrevet andet steds. skrev:Anders Puck Nielsen is rambling about a lot of things, where he is absolutely without clou.
1) The seized Russian assets are being locked up in a trust fund, where the yield is paid to the beneficiary (in this case: Ukraine), but the pricipal is to be placed as safely as possible. In Danish: It is a fideikommis. Really a medieval construct, where the lord will avoid the prodigal son just to squanders the inheritance.

2) Safe papers, well Danish sovereign bonds are about as safe, as they get.
a) The national debt in Denmark is ludcriously low.
b) There is no inflation in Denmark and Denmark can have the inflation they want. Just by regulating taxes - which will keep consumption up - and I mean here VAT and taxes on tobacco, oil and other energy.
c) What I am looking out for is the Nationalbank opening 30 year bonds one with coupon and one without. They will both be expensive.. Yesterdays auction of 2 year and 10 year gave 1,8% p.a. and 2%. With a deposit rate of 3,1% p.a. There is what is technically termed an inverse yield curve.
d) The long term bonds are liquid enough, as the Nationalbank is ALWAYS a buyer - and will pay in other currencies - even Swedish monopoly-money.
e) The currency reserve is about 100 billion Euro - IN CASH. So you can't tilt the Danish currency from the Euro.

3) Why investing in Ukrainian defense industry is common sense: Well when the yield on the sovereign bond is below 2%, then just about any alternative investment is bound to be more profitable, and it will give a better yield. Secondly, as a major investor the amounts of kickbacks can be monitored and audited as a matter of course.
A national investment will mainly give its yield in higher productivity and higher remuniration to employees, and thus higher tax potential.
That is the whole idea behind EU investment in infrastructure in EU countries. If the investment makes sense the recipient will have economic growth and thus a greater GDP and thus contribute to future investments with larger sums.

4) What will it cost the Danish taxpayer: Not a penny. The case is that "somebody" lends us money at an ridiculous low interest rate - serving their own interests. We have more profitable ways of placing the money.

5) We save money by donating the Ukrainians guns produced in Ukraine. Well the Bohdana howitzer cost about 1/4 of what - say an Archer cost (How usefull they are in combat remains to be seen, but they are on troop trials in Ukraine - and we are waiting for the reviews.
But giving Uktaine 18 Bohdanas cost - say one billion in real money (DKK) and Danish needs is 18 pieces, that is an investment of two billion bob. This might bring the Swedes to reconsider sharpening their discount pencil. Because I think what we really want is the Archer. So with discount and constant Swedish devaluation:: There is a substantial saving.
Now I think the Bohdana is not for the medium brigade, but for the light and air portable (Hercules) brigade. As far as I can see from the pictures it is not a canon (a canon is an artillery piece with a barrel long enough for the primary charge to burn out - which is about 72 calibers. The Bohdana seem to me to have a shorter barrel of 59 calibers.
Now the tricky part of producing artillery is the manufacture of the barrel and quality control will reject a number of the barrels. But in many cases you can saw off the "sick" part and have a perfectly good howitzer barrel of 59 calibers, which will then be available at a fair price.

I hope I have given some clarity to the utter twaddle Anders Puch Nielsen have insulted us with. It only confirms my reservations about the competence and trustworthiness of Forsvarskommandoen. There is at the moment only an ACTING defense chief in Denmark. And NO I don't know why Flemming Lentfer was fired - and if I did know, I wouldn't tell. The use of conscripts during the Corona-farce was an absolute disaster . which did not surprise me one bit.

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