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Rusland og Kina.

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Rusland og Kina. Empty Rusland og Kina.

Indlæg af Thomas Man Sep 28, 2015 8:48 pm

Kudrin et alia.

Situationen i Rusland er noget værre end selv jeg havde troet.
Det karakteristiske er, at man kommer med noget humanistisk pladder.
Banksvinet er meget nervøs - det tyder på at banksvinene håber på, at man vil give efter i EU. Det tror jeg ikke: Det bliver russiske bankindskud, der kommer til at rekapitalisere de vestlige banker - det er så nok ikke i nærheden af nok.

Russerne taler om de skadelige konsekvenser af sanktionerne; men de generer jo ikke Europa i nævneværdigt omfang.

Kina vel måske investere i Rusland - undtagen mod at få oliekilderne i det østlige Sibirien.

Helt sikkert kommer Putin ikke til at give sig - sagen bliver at regulere sammenbruddet, så det ikke bliver en eksplosion - udenfor Rusland.


Antal indlæg : 34107
Join date : 27/10/08

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Rusland og Kina. Empty 29/10 Det skal jo give buler i valutaen

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Okt 29, 2015 11:41 pm

500 mia., USD har forladt Kina i år.

Uanset, hvor upræcist det tal er, så er det, der har forladt Rusland de sidste 2-3 år (efter de angivelser, jeg har set) ca. det halve.

Det passer også nogenlunde med min fornemmelse, at nok var flugten fra Rusland ikke småpenge; men alligevel ifht. Kina, så....

Beijing, in other words, wants to have its economic cake and eat it too —and it can for now. It's possible to have a strong yuan and strong growth as long as it lets banks lend out more money. Why does that matter? Well, think about it like this. China has pegged the yuan to the dollar for a long time, and for a long time that meant keeping it artificially low. The simple story was that the yuan "wanted" to go up because China's exporters had earned so many dollars that they wanted to turn into yuan. But that didn't happen because Beijing bought these dollars with newly printed yuan and then told the banks that they couldn't lend these new yuan out. The idea was that the yuan wouldn't be worth as much if there were more of them, but that wouldn't have to turn into inflation if the government kept them out of circulation. That would keep the currency cheap and wages cheaper still, which, in turn, would allow China to keep exporting its way to first-world status.

Det er jo det, der er galt, at de vil både have deres valuta overvurderet og undervurderet samtidig. Det går altså ikke.

Antal indlæg : 34107
Join date : 27/10/08

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