Dutch disease
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Dutch disease
Hollandsk syge.
Ingen tvivl om, at det er et problem i Norge f.eks.
Ingen tvivl om, at det er et problem i Norge f.eks.
Thomas- Antal indlæg : 34594
Join date : 27/10/08
På mange måder er Danmarks problem det omvendte af
Vi prøver at fortælle omverdenen, at Danmarks økonomi ikke er så dårlig, som den tror - og samtidig fortælle borgerne at det faktisk går en hel del værre end de forestiller sig.That has posed an interesting conundrum in Australia in recent years. We have been experiencing a ‘boom with gloom’. We have had the difficult balancing act of trying to tell foreigners that the economy is not as good as they think it is, so stop sending us so much capital, while at the same time trying to convince the locals that the economy is not as bad as they think it is. Now that's a real dilemma!
Thomas- Antal indlæg : 34594
Join date : 27/10/08
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