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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!! Empty FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

Indlæg af dkguy66 Tors Apr 11, 2013 3:06 am


Banks including Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., along with congressional staff members and trade groups, received potentially market-moving Federal Reserve information 19 hours before the public in a release the central bank called accidental.

The release was “entirely accidental,” Smith said. “This was a list of professional contacts that one individual had,” she said. “This group of individuals does not in any normal course receive any information early.” The mistake was discovered this morning, according to the central bank.

FOMC minutes, which include comments on the committee’s discussions about the direction of monetary policy and its outlook for the economy, are among the Fed’s most closely scrutinized documents as the panel debates when to stop its third round of bond purchases.

The Fed initially said recipients were primarily congressional staffers and trade organizations. A list of 154 recipients released later by the Fed show that banks also were among them. The list included Barclays Plc, BB&T Corp., BNP Paribas SA, Capital One Financial Corp., Citigroup Inc. (C), Fifth Third Bancorp, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Nomura Holdings Inc., PNC Financial Services Group Inc., Regions Financial Corp., U.S. Bancorp, UBS AG and Wells Fargo & Co.

Other financial firms included IntercontinentalExchange Inc., the Atlanta-based owner of the world’s largest credit- default swap clearinghouse that has agreed to buy NYSE Euronext for $8.2 billion; buyout firm Carlyle Group LP (CG), and financial- market data provider Standard & Poor’s.

Tilfældigheder ? Uheld ? eller ????? Når det kommer til USA og financiel skandale, kan man godt finde andre og mere konspiratoriske tanker.


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Join date : 16/08/11
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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!! Empty Sv: FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Apr 11, 2013 3:40 am

dkguy66 skrev:http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-10/fed-releases-minutes-early-after-inadvertently-sent-to-some.html

Banks including Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., along with congressional staff members and trade groups, received potentially market-moving Federal Reserve information 19 hours before the public in a release the central bank called accidental.

The release was “entirely accidental,” Smith said. “This was a list of professional contacts that one individual had,” she said. “This group of individuals does not in any normal course receive any information early.” The mistake was discovered this morning, according to the central bank.

FOMC minutes, which include comments on the committee’s discussions about the direction of monetary policy and its outlook for the economy, are among the Fed’s most closely scrutinized documents as the panel debates when to stop its third round of bond purchases.

The Fed initially said recipients were primarily congressional staffers and trade organizations. A list of 154 recipients released later by the Fed show that banks also were among them. The list included Barclays Plc, BB&T Corp., BNP Paribas SA, Capital One Financial Corp., Citigroup Inc. (C), Fifth Third Bancorp, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Nomura Holdings Inc., PNC Financial Services Group Inc., Regions Financial Corp., U.S. Bancorp, UBS AG and Wells Fargo & Co.

Other financial firms included IntercontinentalExchange Inc., the Atlanta-based owner of the world’s largest credit- default swap clearinghouse that has agreed to buy NYSE Euronext for $8.2 billion; buyout firm Carlyle Group LP (CG), and financial- market data provider Standard & Poor’s.

Tilfældigheder ? Uheld ? eller ????? Når det kommer til USA og financiel skandale, kan man godt finde andre og mere konspiratoriske tanker.
Det er sgu smart!

Nu har man en kanal til at føde bankerne med information. Dermed styrer man deres handlinger.
Det vil nok blive brugt til at give en på blodtuden til bankerne.

19 timer: Det passer med at bankerne lige præcis kan få anbragt sig i en dum position, når hugget falder.

Det var sådan jeg ville gøre. En skønne dag ville jeg så stå frem som FED og officielt gøre præcis det stik modsatte af hvad der står i det spielmaterial som udvalgte grisebasser har fået i kløerne.

Antal indlæg : 34594
Join date : 27/10/08

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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!! Empty Sv: FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

Indlæg af tommyjo Tors Apr 11, 2013 3:50 am

tja FED mod ECB, US mod EU, you name i say it
USA vil inflation for alt i verden, EU/ Merkel vil betale i nutidig værdig
hvem vinder
Japan er på banen med seddelpressen= støtter US, officelt for at ramme 2% inflation, min bare r.. de har været under revaulering i 3-5 år rebound study


Antal indlæg : 377
Join date : 25/07/11

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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!! Empty Sv: FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Apr 11, 2013 4:07 am

tommyjo skrev:tja FED mod ECB, US mod EU, you name i say it
USA vil inflation for alt i verden, EU/ Merkel vil betale i nutidig værdig
hvem vinder
Japan er på banen med seddelpressen= støtter US, officelt for at ramme 2% inflation, min bare r.. de har været under revaulering i 3-5 år rebound study

Jeg tror ikke slagsmålet er FED/ECB eller USD/EUR.

Det ser meget mere ud som Japan har besluttet sig til at blande sig, fordi kineserne har blandet sig.

EUR/USD ligger rimelig fast mellem 0,7 og 0,8 USD/EUR. Jeps der har været slag i bolledejen som følge af kinesernes noget uheldige "atomprøvesprængninger" på valutamarkedet. Det er jo sådan med terroristers anvendelse af sprængstoffer - de er farligst for dem selv.

Man er jo nok nogenlunde derhenne, at udsvingene mellem EUR/USD skal ligge mellem 0,75 og 0,8 - altså mellem de to reelle reservevalutaer. At andre idioter så har en anden opfattelse, det vil blive deres problem - og et meget dyrt problem.

Hverken USA eller EU har noget konstruktivt ud af større ustabilitet. Så det er det, det tyder på.

Nu skal jeg lige i nat have kikket på råvarepriserne, for det er jo det reelle bytteforhold til Kina - specielt kyllingerne.


Antal indlæg : 34594
Join date : 27/10/08

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FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!! Empty Sv: FED sendte "uheldigvis" mødereferat til Wall street før tid !!!!

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