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Onkel Nils holder farvel-workshop

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Onkel Nils holder farvel-workshop Empty Onkel Nils holder farvel-workshop

Indlæg af Thomas Tors Jan 31, 2013 12:05 am

Dvs. Rohde er rykket ind på kontoret

Denmark was among the first countries to introduce a bank resolution
scheme under which those who had lent money to the distressed bank could
also lose their investment. This has made headlines, and I am surprised to
note that even very small Danish banks in distress still find their way to the
pages of the Financial Times. Recently it was a very small bank in the south
of Jutland, Tønder Bank. In my opinion that is out of proportion. Over the
weekend another local bank, Sparekassen Lolland, has been taken over by
the larger Jyske Bank along the same lines, i.e. a private solution.

Man håber, man har bidraget til mavesåret.

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Join date : 27/10/08

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